2004 November 9 General Meeting The video "Cosmic Voyages" was shown, followed by a presentation on selected topics from the video by Fayne Tucker. "Cosmic Voyages" illustrated the scale of the universe, described the evolution of the universe from the "Big Bang," supernovas and black holes. October 12 General Meeting The topic for the October meeting was "The Solar System" which was presented by John Combes. The program included a brief description and photos of the solar system members, followed by a hands-on demonstration of the comparable sizes of the planets and the Sun, and the relative distances of the planets and nearest star from the Sun. A demonstration was also given on how the seasons change throughout the year. September 14 General Meeting "Deep Sky Objects and more Constellations" was presented by John Combes. Types of Deep Sky Objects including open and globular clusters, nebulae and galaxies were described and specific examples shown. This was followed by a presentation on more summer/fall constellations. August 10 Ron Olson discussed Planespheres and Star Charts, followed by John Combes presentation on Summer Constellations. John included the history of some of the constellations in his presentation. |