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Lincoln Hills Astronomy Group

Past Meetings


December 11    Holiday Social

December 1      General Meeting   "The Physics of Star Trek and Star Wars - Fantasy or Feasibility" by Tom Eason
                         "Beam Me Up, Scotty," "Warp speed", wormholes, light sabers. Are they possible or are they figments of science-
                         fiction writers’ overactive imaginations? What do we know about present-day physics that can help us make
                         intelligent guesses about the future? Tom described how modern science views these futuristic capabilities.

November 15   CIG

November 3     "The International Space Station" by Nick Poppelreiter
Nick, who is an NASA Ambassador gave a virtual tour of the International Space Station, Mission Control, the
                         Automated Transfer Vehicle  program, and future programs.

October 11       Blue Canyon Observing Trip  
                         21 LHAG members  traveled to the dark skies of Blue Canyon to observe the sky with telescopes and binoculars.
                         Objects viewed included constellations, double stars, the Andromeda Galaxy, The Great Hercules Globular Star
                         Cluster, The Ring Nebula, the Perseus Double Cluster, and may other deep sky objects.

October 6         General Meeting    "Exploring the Planets" by Anthony Oreglia 
LHAG member Anthony Oreglia described the space missions that have gone to the planets in our solar system and
                         the results of those missions.

September 28   Exploring the Night Sky 2-Day Mini-Class
                         7-9 PM at OC Lodge and October 11 at Blue Canyon

September 20    CIG

September 1      General Meeting  "Jupiter's Galilean Moons" by Nina Mazzo  
                          Nina took us on a tour of Io, Europa,Ganymede and Callisto and explores these unique worlds that hold the
                          possibility of frozen oceans, micro organisms and surprises yet to be discovered.

September 2      Binocular Interest Group (BIG)
                          Viewing with binoculars at a site in Lincoln Hills - No experience necessary.
                          Contact Joel Thomas 
analemma93@yahoo.com  or Nina Mazzo ninamazzo@sbcglobal.net

August 20          Astronomy Group Potluck Social
                           Potluck at Kilaga Springs Lodge

August 16          CIG

August 12         
Binocular Interest Group (BIG)
                          Viewing with binoculars at a site in Lincoln Hills - No experience necessary.
Contact Joel Thomas  analemma93@yahoo.com  or Nina Mazzo ninamazzo@sbcglobal.net

August 4          
Sierra College Planetarium Field Trip by Professor Dick Marasso
                          Dick Marasso hosted LHAG and guests for a special evening in the Sierra College Planetarium.
                          Using the planetarium sky, Dick reviewed some of the popular summer objects and events coming up in
                          August2010. His presentation included examples of the three essential elements that have allowed astronomers to
                          study the known universe - Radiation, Time and Motion.

June 2               General Meeting    "The Cosmic Distance Scale"  by Dave Wood  
                                      How do we know the distance to remote galaxies? By a series of stepping stones and extrapolations from basic
                         triangulation of the nearest stars, via galactic clusters, cepheid variables, supernovae, and red shifts. Dave described
                         how we evolve from reliably known distances (by triangulation) to estimates of distances to the most  remote galaxies
                         in the universe.

May 5               General Meeting   
"Paradigm Shift and the End of the Cretaceous - What Happened to the Dinosaurs?" by John  
                          Since the early part of the nineteenth century, a basic mantra of geology was that change was always slow and
                          incremental. The discovery that an asteroid impact caused the iridium anomaly at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
                          and an extinction of a significant percentage of life resulted in a paradigm shift that long periods of slow and
                          incremental change could be punctuated by a cataclysmic event. John worked in an adjacent lab to the group that
                          unraveled the event and took part in the discussions as they developed the case that the impact occurred.  

April 7               General Meeting      "A Wide-Spectrum Look at the Universe" by Tom Eason 
                          In the 1980's NASA promulgated a "Great Observatories" program, designed to provide a group of four satellites
                          that would cover the electromagnetic spectrum from gamma rays to the far infrared frequencies. One of these is
                          the Hubble Space Telescope, which has produced beautiful and scientifically valuable imagery in the visual
                          frequency range. Attention to the other three has largely been confined to the scientific community, where valuable
                          advances in understanding our universe have been enabled by the imagery gathered by their sensors. Tom described
                          the remaining three satellites, their missions, and display interesting, and scientifically useful imagery, and discussed
                          results produced by the three.

March 3             General Meeting          "The Universe from My Backyard" by Ken Crawford 
Ken Crawford’s images have been featured in numerous magazines, books, websites, movies, and public displays. In
                          this presentation, “The Universe from My Backyard,” Ken provided an overview of the equipment, methods, and
                          challenges in obtaining high resolution deep sky images. He showed how amateurs achieve professional results by
                          combining art and technology.
In  2008 Ken joined a professional team headed by Dr. David Martinez-Delgado
                          (IAC) searching for galactic tidal streams which are the remnants of galaxy mergers. This Galactic Archaeology
                          shows that big science can be done by amateurs with modest equipment.

February 3         General Meeting     "The Dark Side of the Universe" - A Scientific American PBS Program moderated by Morey 

                           New discoveries about Dark Matter and Dark Energy have astronomers wondering if ours is but one of an infinity of
                           universes. Morey Lewis was the moderator for an Alan Alda PBS presentation, "The Dark Side of the Universe."
                          Alda interviews leading astronomers seeking answers and explanations for dark energy and dark matter.

January 18         CIG

January 6           General Meeting      "Radio Astronomy"    "Text" by Nicki Koch
                           Radio Astronomy studies celestial objects by measuring the radio waves they emit. The pictures which emerge are
                           not similar to the optical appearance in any way. This science has enabled the detection and study of pulsars,
                           quasars, and radio galaxies and contributed to the discovery of cosmic background radiation.