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2019 Meeting Journal

January 2 GM Professor Charles Hunt talked about France's Nuclear Fusion Reactor in his talk entitled "ITER - Harnessing the Power of the Stars."
January 21 CIG Ed Miller continued his lecture series on Radio Astronomy.
Lecture #7 Tour of the Green Bank Observatory
Lecture #8 Tour of the Green bank Telescope
January 20 TIG Star Party at the sports Pavilion for a rare Total Lunar Eclipse.

February 6 GM Tim Pinkney spoke about the existence of water on the solar system's moons.
February 11 CIG Ed Miller continued his lecture series on Radio Astronomy.
Lecture #9 Hydrogen and the Structure of Galaxies
Lecture #10 Pulsars: Clocks in Space
February 28 TIG Star party cancelled due to weather.

March 6 GM Professor Charles Hunt spoke on the creation of the heavier elements and how they are distributed throughout the Milky Way Galaxy.
March 18 CIG Ed Miller continued his lecture series on Radio Astronomy.
Lecture #11 Pulsars and Gravity
Lecture #12 Pulsars and the 300 Foot Telescope
March 28 TIG Star party cancelled due to weather.

April 3 GM Tim Unruh gave a presentation on tektites.
April 15 CIG Ed Miller continued his lecture series on Radio Astronomy.
Lecture #13 The Big Bang: The Oldest Radio Waves

Lecture #14 H II Regions and the Birth of Stars
April 25 TIG Star party at the Sports Pavilion.

May 1 GM Elsa Paszek gave us an update and showed a NASA/PBS video on the Voyager mission.
May 20 CIG Ed Miller continued his lecture series on Radio Astronomy.
Lecture #15 Supernovas and the Death of Stars
Lecture #16 Radio Stars and Early Interferometers
May 23 TIG Star party Cancelled due to weather.

June 5 GM Tim Unruh gave a presentation on meteorite and tektite mimicry.
June 17 CIG Ed Miller continued his lecture series on Radio Astronomy.
Lecture #17 Radio Source Counts
Lecture #18 Active Galactic Nuclei and the VLA
June 27 TIG Star party was cancelled due to cloud cover.


August 7
GM Planetarium show at Sierra College on the subject of black holes.
August 19
CIG Ed Miller continued his lecture series on Radio Astronomy.
#19 A Telescope as Big as the Earth
#20 Galaxies and Their Gas
August 22 TIG Community Observing Night at the Sports Pavilion. 

September 4 GM Charles Dailey discussed what we have learned from meteorites.
September 16 CIG Ed Miller continued his lecture series on Radio Astronomy.
#21 Interstellar Molecular Clouds
#22 Star Formation and ALMA
September 27 TIG
Star Party at Rossi Lane.  Attended by both the TIG group and the astronomy class.

October 2 GM Dr. Lawrence Lapin spoke on space threats and planet security.
October 21 CIG Ed Miller concludes his lecture series on Radio Astronomy.
#23 Interstellar Chemistry and Life
#24 The Future of Radio Astronomy
October 24 TIG No Star Party in October.

November 6 GM Tim Pinkney discussed our moon: past, present and future missions.
November 18 CIG No meeting.
November 24 TIG Star Party at the Sports Pavilion.

December 1
GM Christmas party in the Solarium.
December 16
CIG No meeting.
December 26
TIG No meeting.