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2022 Meeting Journal

January 5 GM No scheduled activity.
January 17 CIG How diffraction limits our ability to resolve detail and the ladder approach to finding the distance to objects, whether they are nearby or nearly at the edge of the visible universe.
January 3 TIG Planets, open clusters, and galaxies.  Sunset at 18:00.

February 2 GM Ron Yelton gave examples of photographs he has taken using remotely controlled telescopes from around the world.
February 21 CIG Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion, conservation of angular momentum, Kepler’s Laws of Areas and Periods.
February 1 TIG Jupiter, open clusters, and galaxies.  Sunset at 18:27. 

March 2
GM Dr. Charles Hunt examined the question of whether light is a wave, a particle, or something else, using a Michelson Interferometer.  He will  also demonstrate non-local interaction.
March 21 CIG
Black holes, tidal forces,  photons, and particles.
March 2 TIG Open clusters and galaxies.  Sunset at 18:56.

April 6 GM  An overview of the current fourteen planetary missions.
April 18
CIG Comparative planetology and optical telescopes.
April 7
TIG Moon viewing.  Sunset at 20:36.

May 4
GM Artemis I: the first integrated test of NASA’s deep space exploration systems. 
May 16
CIG Radio & X-Ray Telescopes and the message in a spectrum.
May 6
TIG Moon viewing.  Sunset at 20:36.

June 1
GM Faster Than Light: The Dream of Interstellar Flight.
June 20 CIG The properties of stars and planets around other stars.
June 30 TIG Galaxies and globular clusters.  Sunset at 21:49

July GM On vacation.
July CIG On vacation.
July TIG On vacation.

August 3 GM NASA Ambassador Richard Sandler will report on the Artemis Space Launch System.
August 15 CIG Why stars shine and simple stellar models.
August 31 TIG Planets and deep sky objects.  Sunset at 20:46.

September 7 GM  Mooning Our Way Through the Solar System.
September 19 CIG White dwarves and when stars grow old.
September 26 TIG Planets and deep sky objects.  Sunset at 19:55.

October 5 GM Exoplanets: planets that orbit a star other than our sun.
October 17 CIG Supernovas, neutron stars and gravitational waves.
October 25 TIG Planets and deep sky objects.  Sunset at 19:55.

November 2 GM Archeoastronomy:  what did early cultures know about the stars?
November 21 CIG The Milky Way, other galaxies, and dark matter.
November 21 TIG Planets and deep sky objects.  Sunset at 17:49.

December  GM Christmas party in solarium.
December CIG No scheduled activity.
December TIG No scheduled activity.