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Lincoln Hills Astronomy Group
February 2017
LHAG had a two-table booth set up at the Lifestyle Expo this year. There was a fantastic turnout and we actually
had to get more fliers copied as we handed out so many. John Combes had his pictures of Pluto on display. Ron Yelton
brought his imaging telescope and had a picture slide show on a television featuring members of the club and

some astro images. Barbara Swerdlow set up the tables. Cindy Van Buren helped out at the table. Mike Mathes,
Ron Olson and Bob Collins got the club
banner displayed up on the stage and Don Wilson
was out in front of the tables and did a wonderful job of getting
folks to stop by our booth
and chat. Mike Mathes did a wonderful job of getting us organized!.

Bill Weaver and Carla LaFave were on
hand to take
lots of pictures for us. Everyone had a great time!

General Meeting  Lifestyle Expo  CIG Meeting    TIG Meeting

2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
Carla LaFave, Connie Coolidge Ron Olson, Barbara Swerdlow, Ron Yelton and Mike Mathes. Not pictured: John Combes, Cindy Van Buren, Don Wilson and Bob Collins
All set up and ready for the crowds
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
Liz talking with Carla. Ron Olson seated
Ron Olson, Barbara Swerdlow and Mike Mathes
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
An excellent turnout as seen from up on the stage

2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo

Mike Mathes did a great job of organizing the event for us. Here he is with our most excellent photographer - Bill Weaver
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
Ron Olson, Bob Collins, Ron Yelton and Don Wilson
Bill Weaver, Ron Olson Bob Collins and Ron Yelton
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
Carla capturing the moment
Ron and Bob in what looks to be a very serious discussion
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
Finally we got a picture of Cindy. Next to her - Ron Olson and Barbara Swerdlow
Ron Yelton, Barbara Swerdlow and Morey Lewis
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
Our Steering Committee Chairman Morey Lewis stopped by for a visit
Ron Yelton and his 9.25" telescope and mount
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
Carla, Bill, Ron O., Bob, Ron Y.
A nice view of our booth area from up on the stage
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
Had to make sure we got a picture of our photographer - Bill Weaver
Ron and Mike to the left, seated
Ron Olson, Bob Collins and Mike Mathes
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo

Some visitors stopping by for some astronomy information
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo
Morey Lewis, Wendy-Jean Iannico, Ron Olson and Carol Witten
Morey Lewis chatting with Al and Carol Witten and Ron Olson
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo

Ron Yelton handing out a flyer. We went through all of our flyers and had to get more printed up about an hour before the Expo ended. We were very popular.
2017 Feb Expo
2017 Feb Expo

Don Wilson and Mike Mathes taking our banner down
2017 Feb Expo

Ron Yelton breaking down his telescope rig